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How to remove a trustee and executor in the Isle of Man. Durante vs Smalley.


Jordan represented his branch of the family in court at the Isle of Man courts. The case was heard over three days in total which only left Jordan 20 minutes for every year of the failed administration on his grandparents estates to be explained to his honour Jonathan Arkush.

Jordan started his opening submissions and asked the court to note 14 basic questions that any executor or trustee of the estates should know immediately especially after 34 years at the same task !

The questions will be published soon but a few examples are below.

  1. What is the date of the Emerald trust in Jersey that your client has been investigating for 34 years ?

  2. When did your client identify that Jordan's mother was the trustee of the Emerald trust/Lobos ?

  3. Explain the Jersey structure and companies ?

  4. Name a missing asset your client found in 34 years ?

  5. Explain what efforts were made to find Mr Vaart the other trustee ?(which Jordan found alone and Mr Vaart did not know that Mr Durrant the settlor had been murdered)Original deeds and correspondence between Mr Vaart and Mr Durrant from 1975 available and soon to be online.

The above questions were asked to the lawyers who represent Mr Smalley the retired trustee and again in Jordan's closing statements but the lawyers would not answer one question and replied with no response which Jordan noted down each time.

The lawyers did answer the Jersey structure question but denied the holding company called Sterliona was connected to the trust, Jordan showed share certificates in court, attendance notes where all the lawyers discuss Sterliona and much more.

How can a trustee /executor administer the estates if he fails to identify the true date of the trust or understand its company structures that he needs to collect in to distribute to the true heirs ?

The breakdown in communication (injunction against Mr C.Durante and one against Jordan in 2020 who had never met the trustee in his life), hostile action(threatening to sue Mr Vaart if he joined the case) and the injunctions , plus much more over 34 years, failing to answer the 14 questions shows another breakdown in communication and trust/confidence, the inordinate delay over 34 years, cancelling all loans of millions between debtors and companies, ignoring all the settlors wishes and instructions, domicile of the settlor changes to the trustee convenience(tax evasion), bad faith from the beginning refusal to pay for settlors headstone in the Isle of Man(Durante family paid for it),missing assets and active trusts after the brutal murder of the settlor all found and ready to be shown to the public. Trusts from 1968-1987 and only one ever declared in Jersey over all these decades and is the most fraudulent deed I have ever seen or worked with.

The case will have a judgement soon, lets hope that justice can be done after the brutal murder of the settlor of many trusts which his family never benefitted from.

34 years is a lifetime and considering that Jordan's two uncles died and did not benefit from these trusts is a disgrace on the trust service providing industry.


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