Our Family Story...
How Jordan got involved in the case
Jordan was living in Spain with his elderly parents who came to join him and he was concerned about finances and how to help his parents. One night in December 2019 a few days before the Christmas celebrations, Jordan remembered the name of his family trustee and executor who had been allegedly working on the family estates since 1989.The executor's job was to pay any tax liabilities and to obtain Mr James William Durrant's worldwide assets back to a trust which was settled by Mr Durrant and his wife Margaret Edith Durrant in the Isle of Man.
Jordan looked up the trustee's name and saw his firm had ceased trading or had even merged with another law firm.(link below)This is denied by the law firm and no firm will produce insurance details.
Jordan started some basic internet searches and found a theft of 5.5 million pounds from the trustee previous law firm by an employee called Mr Richard Alan Costain.
Jordan contacted the law firm who now has all of Stuart Smalley and co's private clients and commercial team of Stuart Smalley and Co and the staff were obstructive and produced the first accounts in years which were clearly not correct. Jordan explained the need for monies to help support his parents and for medical needs, no offer of help was shown to Jordan and his family.
Jordan flew alone to the Isle of Man from Southern Spain in February 2020 just before the pandemic and again no lawyer met Jordan on the Isle of Man nor did the trustee. Jordan located the trustee's house and knocked on the door and left a note again no contact from the trustee. The trustee actually reported Jordan to the police and pretended he was not on the Island but he was in court the next day with another case that links to the family affairs. Jordan was followed all over the Isle of Man police but sadly for both the police and the trustee Jordan had called the Isle of Man police first and reported himself from Southern Spain before setting foot on the Isle of Man as he knew the trustee tricks from reading some of the files before heading to the Island, when Jordan arrived back in Spain (followed by Isle of Man police back to Spain via Manchester police via Portugal to Spain) Jordan arrived back in Spain to find an attempted injunction by the trustee to stop Jordan coming any where near his home in the Isle of Man,Jordan refused to sign anything and proceeded with his investigation into this man.(this mans only job was to collect in worldwide assets of Mr Durrant and to distribute them to the three children which he never did nor declare any collected assets which he did find (Jordan can prove many assets under his control which he stole) and failed to get a payment nor accounts from his secret partners in business the other TSP in Jersey. The two TSP have now agreed to cancel numerous company loans which in Jordan's view is criminal as the monies were marked as loans not gifts and interest should be applied to these loans on a commercial basis just like the deeds state.
The TSP in Jersey never followed any of Mr Durrant's wishes just like the executor and trustee in the Isle of Man didn't follow any of Mrs Durrant's wishes, this man also refused to pay for a headstone at Borough cemetery in Douglas Isle of Man , the Durante family paid for her headstone(a disgrace when this man had many millions in his control in 1989)
Is this man a good trustee ?
Jordan hired an advocate on the Isle of Man and that advocate failed to identify the two signatures on the back of a very questionable will allegedly signed by Mrs Durrant (both these signatures are very well known to this lawyer) the lawyer extended the deadline for the trustee to produce accounts four times and never got accounts, refused to speak to a family friend of Jordan's who had been reading the Durante family records and finally he managed to get the Durante family their first payment in 14 years from the trustee of 25k but the advocate wanted 19k ! The advocate was sacked and paid 10k , the Durante family have a outstanding bill but for what service ?
In October 2020 advocate two was hired and the firm explained that the trustee would be in front of a judge in three months. This advocate took tens of thousands of pounds off the elderly client whilst living in poverty in Spain,delayed at every court appearance (5 times), failed to get his client one penny from the trustee, failed to explain to the family there was a valid trust in Jersey and finally he wanted to start the court timetable to after the destruction of documents from a shareholder of the Durante/Durrant family companies. This advocate was sacked and on the very same day of being sacked advocate one wrote to Mr C.Durante a threatening letter re his unpaid bill from 2020 of ten thousand pounds (this is collusion , racketeering and elder abuse in Jordan's view).
What Jordan did about these problems
Jordan travelled to the Isle of Man after sacking advocate two and appeared in court after making an application for an Anton-pillar order and a Mareva order to stop the destruction of documents.
His honour did not grant the order but did help the case by making the liquidator write to the court and give a undertaking not to destroy the documents.
Jordan has managed to three active trusts after the murder of his grandfather Mr James William Durrant, they are a March 1st 1968 trust in Jersey, a January 9th 1969 trust and a June 12th 1975 trust.
Jordan went to Holland and tracked down a missing trustee from the 1975 trusts a Mr Arie Van Der Vaart who knew Mr James Durrant from the Anglo-Dutch lodge where Mr Durrant was the treasury for the United Kingdom Freemasons.
Jordan's first video with Mr Paul Moulton which helped him to be listed as a interested party in the court proceedings.
Above Jordan updates Paul Moulton after first court appearance alone in the Isle of Man courts.
Jordan update Mr Paul Moulton in the Isle of Man.
Thank you to Mr Vaart - the living witness who knew my grandfather had his legal identity stolen.
Jordan managed to communicate with the Jersey TSP and obtained the family their first payment from a 1978 unsigned deed by the murdered settlor Mr James William Durrant. The two persons who signed the deed in question worked closely with the famous pilots who flew drugs for the famous South American cartels name Mr Pablo Escobar , these pilots were Mr Barry Seal and Mr Jack Devoe (this link has been muted but Jordan has a copy with sound for any viewers of this site).

This book explains about the family trust service provider in Jersey and the links to the Mafia,CIA and others like the drug cartels.
When Jordan read the newspaper article from the Guardian he saw the same trust service provider called Compendium being mentioned so Jordan contacted the journalist and he was kind enough to put Jordan in contact with Darrin Dick-Stock and Tanya Dick-Stock.
Jordan and Darrin worked closely for a few months and eventually Darrin shared a folder with nearly 500 documents attached. Jordan opened the file and immediately saw the relevance to his grandfather as the paperwork contained the same trust service provider ie Compendium but even more suspicious is that millions were owed and were allegedly paid back to an address in 2002 in the next road to where Mr Durrant was murdered.

Jordan went to that address in Lingfield Avenue which was mentioned in the documents from Darrin and managed to track the owner of the accountancy firm and she signed a section 9 witness statement with the ex-police( who are again one of the only persons or agencies to have helped Jordan they are called TM-EYE)
The owner of the accountants firm states that she knew Mr John William Dick and Mr Richard Wigley but they never paid any sum like $74 million dollars back to her firm in 2002.
The beneficiary of the $74 million dollars was Mr John Dick who was gifted these millions by his employee Mr Richard Wigley who now states on the internet that he is a self confessed fraudster who used to sign documents for the benefit of his boss Mr John William Dick.
Why does the original settlor never come for his money back as the documents state them as loans?
Why would an employee give his boss $74 million dollars and continue to work for him for decades?

The director who links Mr Maxwell and Mr Mark Thatcher but crucially also to Mr James William Durrant's company called Lobos. In this link from the Panama papers is Mr Mawell's company and Jaymont (UK ) Limited which links to Mr Thatchers company.
What is happening now
The UK judge was appointed to oversee the case and spent nearly five hours on July 4th 2023 trying to explain to Jordan that the case will fail as the application put in by advocate two does not mention fraud and under the current application the judge states your case will fail as the judge will not allow Jordan to discuss the trustee's conduct over all these decades. Jordan explained he will not fail even though the application before his Honour has been rigged by a group of clever lawyers who run a criminal racket. The judge said take 290k and start again ,Jordan explained that if you take the 290k divide it by 8 trusts , 34 years and four heirs it comes to less than a pound per day.
Trail is set for November 6th for 6 days at the Isle of Man court currently Jordan will be representing the family alone against all the lawyers and the establishment.
Are there any good trust lawyers out there ?
Jordan has applied to the UK parliament re numerous petitions but one that will help to protect investors in these British offshore and stop fraud and financially motivated murders is the introduction of a third party payment process which should be done by a international portal to stop collusion and self enrichment by these lawyers.